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Terminological Arsenal of Ukrainian Folkloristics: the Contribution of Oleksii Dei (On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Scholar’s Birthday)

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The authors of the publication:
Dmytrenko Mykola
Bibliographic description:
Dmytrenko, M. (2021) Terminological Arsenal of Ukrainian Folkloristics: the Contribution of Oleksii Dei (On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Scholar’s Birthday). Materials to Ukrainian Ethnology, 20 (23), 31–37.


Dmytrenko Mykola

a Doctor of Philology, a professor, a chief research fellow at the Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Folkloristics of M. Rylskyi Institute of Art Studies, Folkloristics and Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine). ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3027-274X


Terminological Arsenal of Ukrainian Folkloristics:
the Contribution of Oleksii Dei (On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Scholar’s Birthday)



The article is dedicated to the centenary of birthday of an outstanding Ukrainian scholar Oleksii Dei. His biography, contribution to the research of folklore are reflected. It is emphasized on the formation of a young scientist as a researcher of I. Franko’s folkloristic activity. The significance of O. Dei as an organizer of scientific studies, instructor of projects, head of the Folkloristics Department of IASFE, editor-in-chief of the journal Folk Art and Ethnography is described briefly. Such aspects of scientist’s activity are called, as participation in international symposiums, forums of slavists, conferences; training of scientific cadres, official opponing of theses, creation of Kyiv scientific academic school of folkloristic researches. O. Dei work as a member of Scientific and the Specialized Scientific Councils at the M. Rylskyi IASFE of the AS of Ukraine, T. Shevchenko KSU is shown. O. Dei as a compiler and editor has taken an active part in the preparation and publication of literary heritage and works of I. Franko in 50 volumes, Lesia Ukrainka in 12 volumes, M. Rylskyi in 20 volumes, Ukrainian Literary Encyclopedia in 5 volumes, publication of the series Folk Art of the Dnipro Publishing House in 15 volumes, the series Ukrainian Folk Songs Recorded by the Writers in 20 collections. He is the author of chapters and articles in the History of the Ukrainian SSR, Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia. O. Dei has promoted actively Ukrainian folklore in periodicals, on the radio, in a special program about Ukrainian folk songs Word – Song on Ukrainian TV. O. Dei has devoted many pages of his scientific works to the figure, literary and artistic heritage of T. Shevchenko, the image of the poet in folklore, the problem of folklore and literature.

The scholar’s interpretation of folkloristic terms legend, traditional story, ballad is considered. Attention is paid to O. Dei views on the problems of classification of Ukrainian folklore, songs of Slavic peoples, history of Ukrainian Folkloristics. His contribution to the voluminous series Ukrainian Folk Art  as the  editorial board’s chairperson, editor-in-chief, compiler is analyzed. His monographic works Poetics of Ukrainian Folk Song, Ukrainian Folk Ballad, which are still relevant in the scientific folkloristic discourse, are mentioned.



Ukrainian folklore, classification of folklore, legend, traditional story, ballad.



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