Ruda Tetiana
a Doctor of Philology, a chief research fellow at the Screen, Stage Arts and Culturology Department of M. Rylskyi Institute of Art Studies, Folkloristics and Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine). ORCID ID:
Theoretical Issues of Folkloristics and Ethnology
in the Scientific Heritage of Maksym Rylskyi
There is a number of articles on theoretical and practical issues of Folkloristics and Ethnology in the scientific heritage of the topics of M. Rylskyi. The author has paid particular attention to terminology especially in them. He has believed that the use of the folk poetry concept concerning the object of research does not include some narrative folklore genres, resuscitates the term literature, however, it also emphasizes the syncretism of folklore. The researcher has considered an issue of the nature of the main features of folklore, questioning some constant fixed views on collective creation, anonymity, orality, etc. M. Rylskyi has advocated the necessity to attract an experience of Literary Science, Linguistics, Art Studies, and other humanities in the study of people’s lifestyle and culture (article Issues of Ethnography and others). The opinions voiced by him concerning the interdisciplinary approach in the study of the phenomena of folk culture have been embodied and developed by scientists of the subsequent generations.
Rylskyi is rather skeptical to the views existing in his time regarding the revival of the epos and the prosperity of folklore, but has emphasized the perspective of collecting and researching urban and, especially, workers’ folklore. His scientific interests have been focused on song genres. He has paid peculiar attention to the heroic epos – Ukrainian and Serbian one. He has insisted on the availability of the comparative study of epic works. The scholar has drawn parallels in the works of epos studying not only from the folklore of the Slavs but also from the eposes of the other peoples of the world, from ancient sources.
Rylskyi has contributed actively to the revival of Slavic Studies in Ukraine and the training of relevant scientific personnel. The scientist has created a group of Slavic Folkloristics (1955) at the Institute of Art Studies, Folklore and Ethnography managed by him (now it is M. Rylskyi Institute of Art Studies, Folkloristics and Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). He has been engaged in the organization of collecting work. The scholar has done a lot to establish contacts and cooperation of IASFE with the other organizations and institutions, in particular, foreign ones. He has taken part in the international scientific forums himself.
His solid project – the publication of the multi-volume series Ukrainian Folk Art – has been carried out by Oleksii Dei and the employees of the IASFE.
М. Rylskyi, O. Dei, Folkloristics, Ethnography, Epic Studies, Slavic Studies.
- BRITSYNA, Oleksandra. The History of a Textual Discussion and Its Modern Echo. In: Proceedings of the International Conference «Maksym Rylskyi and the Global Culture through the Lens of Modernity»(Kyiv, March 16–17, 1995): Theses of Reports and Messages. Kyiv, 1995, pp. 6–7 [in Ukrainian].
- DEI, Oleksii. Poetry of Maksym Rylskyi and Folk Songs. In: Serhii ZUBKOV, ed.-in-chief, Folk Art and Ethnography, 1974, no. 2, pp. 5–21 [in Ukrainian].
- KOZLOVSKYI, Ivan. A Tale on a Friend. In: Hryhoriy DONETS, Mykola NAHNYBIDA (compilers). The Unforgettable Maksym Rylskyi: Memories. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1968, pp. 36–39 [in Ukrainian].
- RYLSKYI, Maksym. Introductory Word [To the Book «Inter-Slavic Folkloristic Relations». Kyiv, 1963]. In: Maksym RYLSKYI.Collected Works in Twenty Volumes. Kyiv: Scientific Thought, 1987, vol. 16: Folklore, Translation Theory, and Linguistics, pp. 164–167 [in Ukrainian].
- RYLSKYI, Maksym. Introductory Word [To the Collection «Ukrainian Dumas and Historical Songs». Ukr. State Pub. House, 1944]. In: Maksym RYLSKYI. Collected Works in Twenty Volumes. Kyiv: Scientific Thought, 1987, vol. 16: Folklore, Translation Theory, and Linguistics, pp. 9–13 [in Ukrainian].
- RYLSKYI, Maksym. A Letter to Oleksii Dei (May 21, 1964). Rylskyi Maksym. Collected Works in Twenty Volumes. Kyiv: Scientific Thought, 1987, vol. 20: Letters: 1957–1964, p. 541 [in Ukrainian].
- RYLSKYI, Maksym. Golden Placers of Folk Wisdom. In: Maksym RYLSKYI. Collected Works in Twenty Volumes. Kyiv: Scientific Thought, 1987, vol. 16: Folklore Studies, Translation Theory, and Linguistics, pp. 64–82 [in Ukrainian].
- RYLSKYI, Maksym. A Few Remarks. In: Maksym RYLSKYI. Collected Works in Twenty Volumes. Kyiv: Scientific Thought, 1987, vol. 16: Folklore Studies, Translation Theory, and Linguistics, pp. 99–101 [in Ukrainian].
- RYLSKY, Maksim. Songs of the People of Soviet Ukraine. In: Maksym RYLSKYI. Collected Works in Twenty Volumes. Kyiv: Scientific Thought, 1987, vol. 16: Folklore Studies, Translation Theory, and Linguistics, pp. 34–37 [in Russian].
- RYLSKYI, Maksym. Issues of Ethnography. In: Maksym RYLSKYI. Collected Works in Twenty Volumes. Kyiv: Scientific Thought, 1987, vol. 16: Folklore Studies, Translation Theory, and Linguistics, pp. 172–179 [in Ukrainian].
- RYLSKYI, Maksym. Verbal Works of the Ukrainian Soviet People. In: Maksym RYLSKYI. Collected Works in Twenty Volumes. Kyiv: Scientific Thought, 1987, vol. 16: Folklore Studies, Translation Theory, and Linguistics, pp. 90–98 [in Ukrainian].
- RYLSKYI, Maksym. The State and Tasks of Soviet Folklore Studies in Light of the Decisions of the CPSU XXIInd Congress. In: Maksym RYLSKYI. Collected Works in Twenty Volumes. Kyiv: Scientific Thought, 1987, vol. 16: Folklore Studies, Translation Theory, and Linguistics, pp. 106–122 [in Ukrainian].
- SYVACHENKO, Mykola. The Greatness of the Poet and Scholar. In: Hryhoriy DONETS, Mykola NAHNYBIDA (compilers). The Unforgettable Maksym Rylskyi:Memories. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1968, pp. 368–378 [in Ukrainian].