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European dimension of scientific heritage of Kateryna Hrushevska

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The authors of the publication:
Skrypnyk Hanna
Bibliographic description:
Skrypnyk, H. (2018) European dimension of scientific heritage of Kateryna Hrushevska. Materials to Ukrainian Ethnology, 17 (20), 20–31.


Skrypnyk Hanna

doctor of historical sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, director of the M. Rylskyi Institute of Art studies, Folkloristics and Ethnology of the NAS of Ukraine.


European dimension of scientific heritage of Kateryna Hrushevska



The article, based on a thorough reading and analysis of K. Hrushevska’s monographic research, makes an attempt to comprehend the ethnological scientific heritage of the scholar against the background of contemporary European studies. Its subject is primarily her book-size editions: Primitive Stories, Tales and Fables of Africa and America, Hrushevska’s Studies and Reports on Primitive Culture, Ukrainian Folk Dumas (in two volumes) with a 200-page introduction to the first volume, titled Collection and Publication of Dumas in the XIXth and Early XXth Centuries.

In these works, the scholar declared the application of innovative research methods and meth- odology to clarify the features of primitive prose of ancient peoples of Africa and America; she also actualized the necessity of using sociological methods for interpreting remnants of antiquity within the folklore heritage, revealed the mythological basis of folklore and the emergence of var- ious types of primitive prose works. Applying sociological, psychological and cultural-historical achievements of the Western European science for treating cultural remnants within the domestic folklore, K.  Hrushevska attached the  Ukrainian material to the  European scientific corpus  of sources.

K. Hrushevska’s greatest scientific achievement was her selfless work on compiling the full corpus of Ukrainian folk dumas, as well as on identifying, scientifically arranging and compre- hending (on the ground of their territorial division by separate kobzar schools) the samples of the Ukrainian heroic epic.



K. Hrushevska, verbal creativity of primitive peoples, primitive prose, cultural remnants, dumas, Ukrainian heroic epic.



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